They (a person with dyslexia) won't read for pleasure, because there is no pleasure in heavy concentration.
The inability to read and write often seems life-threatening to a dyslexic person.
They know only the song; the song knows the alphabet. So by using the song, they can appear to know the alphabet. Whenever they want to look up a name in the phone book or a word in the dictionary, the song will be used. It has become a compulsive behavior.
The gift of dyslexia is the gift of mastery
Some brilliant dyslexics become corporate executives because of their intuitive gifts for "seeing" the correct strategy and mobilizing the work force.
Attention vs. Concentration: It is natural and easy for dyslexic children to pay attention, but difficult for them to concentrate.
Boredom also plays a role, because boredom often happens to someone whose mind is working between 400 and 2,000 times faster than the minds of the people around them. A dyslexic child who is bored will do one of two things. Either the child will disorient into creative imagination (daydreaming), or will shift his attention to something that is interesting (distractibility or inattention).
Keep in mind that dyslexics have little or no internal monologue, so they do not hear what they are reading unless they are reading aloud. Instead, they are composing a mental picture by adding the meaning--or image of the meaning--of each new word as it is encountered.
Trigger words have abstract meanings, and often a number of different meanings. They trip up dyslexics because they do not represent visual objects or actions. They also happen to be the words that occur most frequently in everyday speech and writing.
"The brown horse jumped over the stone fence and ran through the pasture"
Once disorientations begin to cause mistakes, the dyslexic child becomes frustrated. Nobody likes to make mistakes, so around the age of nine, in about third grade, the dyslexic child begins to find, figure out and adopt solutions to the problem. Even though this may seem like a good thing, it is actually how the reading problem becomes a true learning disability.
There are at least 40 different variations of a three-letter word such as "cat," and only six of these are "logical" versions,
Dyslexic children often get tagged with the hyper label because of the physical effects of disorientation.